We teach writing through a cross-curricular approach, combining thematic Cornerstones Imaginative Learning Projects (ILP’s) with the programmes of study set out in the National Curriculum. By the end of year 6 our aim is for all pupils to:
- Develop stamina for writing allowing them to write at length with confidence, with accurate spelling, punctuation, and correct use of grammar for a range of purposes and audiences.
- Obtain a bank of vocabulary for effect,
- Develop an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for writing.
- To understand the structure and language features of a range of non-narrative text types and narrative genres and apply these confidently in their own writing.
- To write with purpose showing an awareness of the audience they are writing for.
- To become a reflective writer who can assess the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing.
- Meet age related expectations for writing.
Handwriting and Grammar
Handwriting is taught through the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised (Reception) and Penpals Handwriting scheme to provide the children with frequent, discrete and direct teaching of handwriting, as required by the National Curriculum 2014. It offers clear progression from EYFS to Year 6 by teaching handwriting through five developmental stages: preparation for handwriting; securing correct letter formation; beginning to join along; securing the joins and practicing speed and fluency and developing a personal style. The children are also given daily opportunities to develop their handwriting through teaching and feedback across the curriculum.
Grammar is taught through the Nelson Grammar scheme to enhance and embed the essential grammar skills for Year 1-6 to ensure that children meet the high expectations set out in the National Curriculum 2014.
SPaG Glossary of Terms
My Handwriting Book
How to Write Capital Letters